In what infection instances can the SIS electromedical equipment be used?

Non serious or non life threatening infection not treated by GP or hospitalStandalone
Antibiotic resistantStandalone or in addition and simultaneous to antibiotic therapy (ABT)
ABT failure for any other reasonStandalone
ABT allergic or adverse reactionStandalone
ABT side effects not toleratedStandalone
Serious or life threatening bacterial infectionIn addition and simultaneous to ABT. Standalone if ABT not available.
Viral infection without available drug treatment or after failure of antiviral drug therapy or if antiviral drug adverse reactions or side effects not toleratedStandalone
Vascular insufficiency or neurologically meditated vascular disease or condition affecting drug deliveryStandalone or in addition and simultaneous to ABT
First Aid and emergency disaster environmentStandalone if effect needs to be immediate and sterilizing solution not available or trauma damaged tissues cannot be physically contacted, or in addition and simultaneous to ABT
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