
The following treatment reports illustrate the effectiveness of the SIS equipment even in difficult infection and wound healing cases, without any antibiotics or other medications:

  • Helicobacter pylori stomach infection with symptoms, two weeks to clear, Carbon-14 urea breath test before and after SIS machine treatment confirmed.

  • Chronic histology detected Helicobacter pylori infection, not detectable after 20 days, Carbon-14 urea breath test confirmed.

  • Hospitalized patient developed severe upper urinary tract infection (UTI) following from major trauma and emergency surgery, strong symptomatic kidney infection diagnosed via blood/urine tests and renal ultrasound. Treated unsuccessfully with intravenous antibiotics. Patient not improving and developing compounding symptoms. Treated within the hospital with SIS machine M200 model with complete success, confirmed by repeat ultrasound and blood work. Recurrence of symptomatic UTI several weeks later: repeat SIS machine M200 application—48 hours to clear infection and complete disappearance of symptoms, sequential Multistix® 10 SG reagent strip urinary leukocyte and protein test monitored and confirmed.

  • Acute and chronic Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) superbug bacteria skin infection lesions SIS machine M200 model treatment.

  • Acute cellulitis on the head, no infection after 3 days SIS machine M200 model treatment.

  • Emergency nosocomial septicemia (sepsis) SIS machine W200 model wound treatment.

  • Viral hepatitis with symptoms of episodes of collapse and loss of consciousness (syncope), no symptoms within 10 days, 3½ weeks to clear infection, and no recurrence of symptoms at 8 month follow-up.

  • Oozing, deep infected lower leg trauma wound 5cm dimension recommended for intravenous antibiotics by Hospital doctors, no sign of infection in 48 hours, complete healing, minimal scarring.

  • Hospital case of septicemia treated with antibiotics and sequence of emergency surgeries for acute localized infections, last operated infection site left open due to ongoing infection and antibiotic resistance. After 16 hours continuous SIS machine use the infected area could be surgically closed, without recurrence and no further antibiotics required.

  • Acute debilitating pneumonia with anticipated hospitalization, 48 hours major improvement, no symptoms in 10 days. (Registered Nurse).

  • Loxosceles rufescens spider bite. Infection marked out by wound nurse. Patient prescribed antibiotics, cortisone, antihistamine and pain killers by her doctor. Little change in wound or symptoms after 48 hours of medications, unable to walk. SIS machine M200 model emergency treatment: 18 hours. More than 50% pain reduction reported, major improvement to wound and surrounding tissue. Patient walking near normally.

  • Severe, chronic diabetic ulcer, patient facing amputation, treated at home with W200 model SIS machine after failure of hospital care.

  • Post operative, severly infected leg wound, 30cm length, unsuccessfully treated with IV antibiotics and multiple surgical washouts, infections resulting from slow wound healing. The last washout revealed an infection determined as incurable by the attending surgeon and infectious disease physician with certain sepsis and death if whole limb amputation was not performed. W200 model (precurser to W250 model) applied 24/7 for 4 weeks. Complete healing. Photographic documentation shown.


The following SIS equipment user testimonials are unedited; some of the names have been changed for anonymity.

April 05, 2016

“We have been using not only the SIS machine but earlier models for the last 5 years. We first used an earlier model when I had a nasty caesar infection 10 days after the birth of my daughter. The infection did not respond to antibiotics. But the antibiotics caused enormous problems for my daughter’s GIT as she was receiving the antibiotics through my milk. I could not do another course. I discovered the SIS machine and thankfully the infection was completely gone in 7 days. From my wound infection, my whole family including my mother and my newborn daughter caught Chlamydia. We all used the machine and symptoms disappeared within days for each person. We have used the machine instead of antibiotics ever since for the following things: tetanus prone stone fish bite - inflammation gone in 2 days, bacterial pneumonia - gone in 10 days, chest infections - gone in 3-6, and puncture wounds. We would not be without this machine, it is the best First Aid kit I have ever seen."

Used development and M200 model for infections

Emma, Nurse.
North Island, NZ

19 May, 2016

"Early this year a ladder broke under me and as I fell I tore a large lump of flesh from the front of my right leg. First Aid and a bandage seemed to suffice but within the next few days the wound became seriously septic. My doctor urged me to take antibiotics to counter the infection but I felt that the infection was so localized that it was better to draw silver ions through the injury by the SIS machine to reduce the infection directly and not suffer the side effects of the antibiotics destroying useful bacteria in the rest of my body. Overnight the injury was cleared of infection and by week's end the injury was sealed and today there is little sign of the injury on my leg."

Used development and W200 model for wound healing

Craig, age 66
South Island, NZ

June 02, 2016

"By 2011, there was obviously a need to rebuild my lungs after prolonged exposure to Asthma drugs and childhood illnesses, including lung scarring from childhood TB and subsequent infections. As I write this, I am pleased to report that I now own an SIS machine and can completely endorse it for public use. Recently I needed to deal with a chest cold and presently I am treating a Candida Albicans infection in my frontal sinuses. I whole heartedly recommend this machine to layman and practitioner alike. This is the new edge of non-invasive medical intervention." ​

Used development and M200 model for infections

Jeff, age 59
South Island, NZ

14 June, 2016

"I had recently received a health scare concerning my intestine area and an operation was scheduled. I choose to use the SIS machine instead, coupled with some other supplements. I now enjoy good health again. [The operation was cancelled.] In the first instance there were some ‘teething problems’ with the SIS machine, but some of them could well have been due to my lack of familiarity with these types of devices. I am pleased to report, however, that I have recently completed a two week unbroken treatment regime with the device and it has performed admirably."

​ Used M200 model SIS machine for infection

Mervyn age 94
North Island, NZ

01 July, 2016

"In May 2016 I experienced severe pain in my spine radiating through to my chest from infection. After one week of using the SIS machine the pain in my spine and chest was no longer present. I had previously seen a medical practitioner and osteopath for quite a few weeks to find an answer but all results were negative and further tests were scheduled."

Used M200 model for infection

South Island, NZ

15 July, 2016

"I was diagnosed with cellulitis on my head which resulted in a massive lump on the back of my head. I attended a medical practitioner who prescribed antibiotics but I had a severe reaction to them. Without antibiotics I would have to be hospitalised. I started to use the SIS machine on the second day of having the infection and within 24 hours the swelling, pain and redness had subsided. Within 2 days of using the machine on the bacterial mode the swelling and redness was reduced dramatically. I was back at work 4 days later with no symptoms."

Used M200 model for infection

North Island, NZ

19 August, 2017

"Lung infection. During the last week I have had a severe lung infection with painful coughing fits. Yesterday and last night wore an SIS machine, today I am clear in my lungs and not coughing ... better than a fortnight of antibiotics tablets betcha."

Used M200 model for chest infection

John, age 76
South Island

November, 2016

“Unfortunately, I contracted a nasty Urinary Tract Infection recently. I was alarmed at how quickly the symptoms came on, and that my temperature was beginning to rise, with pain in my right kidney. A friend recommended that I use an “SIS machine” that she has. I considered it, but then being alarmed at the severity of my symptoms, I chose to go to the GP who prescribed antibiotics. I reluctantly took the antibiotics, only to find the symptoms returning soon after I finished taking them. Not wanting a repeat dose of antibiotics, I asked my friend for her machine. To my joy and surprise, the symptoms stopped within an hour! I kept the machine on for the next 2 days and then decided I was healed. I spent a day without the machine (against her advice which was to keep it on for 2 full days after the symptoms ceased). But my symptoms began to return. The SIS machine went back on and this time, I finally followed my friend’s advice completely….and no further UTIs! I highly recommend this marvelous “SIS machine” – from now on, it will be my first option if ever my children or I ever need medical help.”

Used M200 model for bacterial infection (UTI)

North Island, NZ

December 2016

"I had two serious wounds on my lower right leg. One wound measured 7cm by 3.25cm and was positioned on the rear of my heal, the second was further up the calf more round with a diameter of 3.5cm. Both wounds followed a bout of septicaemia. The wounds have taken five months to heal and all I have to do is learn to walk without limping. The home care nurses who have redressed the wound daily for most of this period have repeatedly expressed their amazement as to the speed such serious wounds have healed. Much of the credit must go to the SIS machine, a device that has monitored the wounds and provided a healing without any side effects. Complications came about because of the septicaemia that destroyed my immune system, the wounds were covered by a layer of dead flesh that the local surgeon wanted to surgically remove [debride], I delayed this procedure for two weeks as I started with the SIS machine and the only treatment was keeping the wounds moist with a saline solution. My next visit to the surgeon showed him there was no need for any surgical intervention such was the improvement. There were two further attempts by the surgeon to put me under the knife, the wound on the back of the heel was so deep that at one stage the tendon was exposed and a skin graft was recommended. Once again I stalled any surgery for two weeks, giving the SIS machine time to do its job. The right choice as the tendon responded to healing and covered itself naturally. I must note that my skin would not tolerate any synthetic dressings and the whole time a cotton surgical dressing was used and held into place with a crepe bandage. While the SIS machine has been a big part of the healing process you are the only one that can finish the job. Things I worked on: diet, fresh organic with little or no processed food was number one; finding the right balance of minerals and having my gut working was next; mind control, meditation and do not under estimate the power of prayer and I have abstained from poisons like alcohol. While the machine did its job it was the continual support that I am most thankful for. Two or three times a week I would send photos of the wounds for advice and always received an immediate answer."

Used W200 model for wound healing

North Island, NZ

March 2017

Our whole family has been using the [M200] SIS machine with great success and we do recommended it to anyone/everyone either needing some serious healing assistance or just for general family health. Our kids quickly get over flues, coughs and colds, the asthmatic child has not had an attack since he began using the device... you get good at knowing exactly where to put the electrodes and the company does provide good diagrams to assist. I have even been guilty of sneaking into the kids rooms and putting the machine on them while they are asleep and they are none the wiser! We have even healed a nasty stubbed toe, no infection and a lovely new nail has grown nicely. The man of the house scared himself silly years ago whilst diving, he came out of the water with a blood filled diving mask and has suffered daily with headaches and sinus problems since. After using the SIS machine ONCE his decades long headache is gone and has not returned. It has been worth it for that aspect alone, we are so grateful. Before we got the SIS machine, I had slipped over in the bathroom (yes that is where most of the accidents happen in the home) and bruised my thigh very deeply by landing heavily on the corner of the kids toy box. The bruise was a nasty black one but it healed by itself, however a month or two later I noticed my hip joint was in serious trouble and deduced it was actually from the previous bathroom fall and that the injury had traveled and was far deeper and worse than I had realised. Thankfully the SIS machine arrived and I was able to heal my hip in about three days, no trouble since. We have had great service and communication from the company and could not be happier with our results. Get one for your family but watch out because everyone will want to borrow it! Thank you to those who worked so hard to develop it, it really is great. Happiness is...having access to a SIS machine.

Used M200 model for family use

M. Wumsy
New Zealand

March 2017

As you [Richard Malter, SIS machines inventor] are aware my back condition is of long standing chronic pain following repeated damage over fifty years. The damage was caused by twice being hit from behind while driving a car once in 1965 and again in 1969 and on a third occasion in 1977 while riding a bicycle. The chronic pain and the injuries caused by these accidents have limited my life since then in all ways possible. During those fifty years I have been treated by the most experienced specialists of those times but have had little sustainable relief from their ministrations. You introduced me to your extraordinary invention [WM Cyclic AMP Stimulator] two months ago. I must say that during those two months, I have, driven by my many years experience of broken promises, made to me by many educated people, of pain relief, tested my response to its pain reduction promise thoroughly and consistently in every possible way and in every possible circumstance that those two months provided for testing. I am now so convinced as to its workability that I am confident that my partner and I can now travel overseas for six weeks without being concerned by our holiday being interrupted or spoiled by the chronic pain and disability that has prevented us for many years from doing so until now. I believe this appliance of yours has answered the question that I have spent fifty years trying to resolve. Thank you. I commend it without any reservations to anyone who carries a similar disability to me.

Used WM-Cyclic-AMP Stimulator for pain symptoms

Mr E. F. Gorster
North Island, NZ

April 2017

As a result of the medical work up to a total hip replacement it was discovered that I had a Hepatitis C infection. This more than likely was the result of needle sharing during a stage in my life during the early 1970s when I experimented with heroin going through my research into altered states of consciousness using various recreational drugs. Thus this infection had a 40 year history. On reflection the primary issues impacting me and which crept up over time were extreme fatigue, impaired cognitive function and a general devitalisation. So I had read and was aware of the work done on Silver Iontophoresis by Dr Robert Becker. I then became aware of the SIS machine via an article written by Richard Malter [SIS machines inventor] that was published in Nexus magazine. Based on this information I had no hesitation in buying the M200. I used it 24/7 for approximately 4 weeks at the end of which all of my signs and symptoms had resolved. My mojo had returned. That is, I felt energised again, my cognition is clear and sharp, my libido has returned, the whites of my eyes are completely white, the bile coloured stool has returned to a more normal brown colour and thankfully I’m enthusiastic about life and work again. My friends and family comment on how healthy I look and I feel completely restored to my former self.

Used M200 model for Hepatitis C treatment

North Island, NZ

April 2017

I was having to clear my throat constantly and it was becoming uncomfortable. I was tested and found to have a high reading of Helicobacter in my stomach. I had the SIS machine [M200] 'fitted' and in a short period of time I could feel my throat becoming clearer and wider. Within 3 weeks the bacteria was gone. It has made a big difference to my life and my throat feels freer all the time. My partner says I don't snore as badly anymore which is a bonus for her.

Used M200 model for stomach infection

South Island, NZ

02 August, 2017

I've been suffering from a groin injury over a long period of time as a result of continued participation in many sporting activities. I've tried many solutions to this such as extensive stretching sessions followed by rest, costly doctor appointments and various anti inflammatory medications, none have fixed the problem. I then tried treatment using the Woessner-Malter Cyclic AMP Stimulator, which after 2 weeks of use experienced improvements both in lowering levels of pain and increasing the intensity of my sport sessions. By the third week my groin was back to its pre injury state and I was able to play soccer in full fitness. 3 months on and I have had no problems what so ever regarding my groin injury.

Used WM-Cyclic-AMP Stimulator for pain and injury rehabilitation

Aidan, age 17
North Island, NZ

June 05, 2018

I had an inguinal hernia, about the size of a golf ball, which pained me whenever I did much exercise. It was suggested that I should have surgery by many doctors and surgeons. I rested a lot and wore this machine twenty-four seven. Within two weeks, the hernia went back in and the gap closed. Then it was just a matter of slowly building up exercise and I continued to wear the machine.

Used WM-Cyclic-AMP Stimulator for injury repair

North island, NZ

June 10, 2018

"After struggling with my health for over 12 months & varying opinions from GP's all perplexed as to what was causing my symptoms of intermittent fevers, oedema, blurred vision, rashes & extreme exhaustion. I was prescribed a variety of meds to suppress my symptoms however the steroids & antihistamines worked for a while but as soon as they were stopped my symptoms would come back with a vengeance! Eventually I was diagnosed me with Epstein Barr virus & a super bug (which was strange as I hadn't been in hospital but had been given a pap smear). I have no doubt this is where I contracted these infections. I treated the infections with the SIS Silver iontophoresis stimulator & a variety of natural supplements. Prior to this I have rarely had a sick day. I was seriously unwell & I owe my life to this equipmentfor giving me back my health. I want to stress that for me personally the treatment was a really rough road but one I would travel again if I had to. I had a huge healing crisis as I withdrew from the medical drugs & my body fought the virus & superbug. I experienced raging fevers, profuse sweating, vomiting, headaches & lack of appetite as the diseases left my body. As I am a Naturopath myself I knew I was on the healing path & this kept me strong as I let my body do what it had to! It was a privilege to experience my body's amazing healing ability & strong vital force first hand. Being so unwell & returning to optimal health has changed me in a way that only illness can. It taught me so much & I hope my story can help & inspire others to embark on their own healing journey."

Used M200 model for viral and bacterial infections

Jammy, Naturopath
North Island, NZ

October 16, 2018

We have owned the SIS Electromed M200 device for almost 12 months and I feel obligated to provide my feedback: To sincerely thank each and every person involved with SIS Electromed for their years of effort taken to develop a product of real and lasting value that actually DOES what it was created to do. In case someone who really needs help needs to hear that a struggling family of 6 on half of one income is very grateful they could borrow the money to buy the SIS Electromed M200 and that, after nearly a year, someone in the family uses it at least weekly! We had a problem: My wife was sick...really sick. After 2 years of GP and Specialist visits we finally started seeing an improvement...then CRASH! A severe reaction to the prescription medicines and within weeks, we were right back where we started and it was like our kids were taking gets sick => round of antibiotics => one gets better => next one gets sick...we received a letter from a school with a please explain your child's absences! An impossible solution: Time to do our own research. Very quickly we discovered Robert O. Becker and his decades of work researching and experimenting with electro-medicine, case studies and clinical trials along with several patents granted to support his experience and discoveries - Silver Iontophoresis and pole switching micro-currents. This lead us to SIS Electromed. SIS Electromed came to our attention about a year before their products were available for public soon as we could, we borrowed the money to buy the M200 from SIS Electromed. Our Results: My wife's GP is amazed at her ongoing recovery and no one in our family can remember their last round of antibiotics. Quite remarkable considering we have four children (13yrs, 11yrs, 9yrs and 8yrs) at 3 different schools bringing home a plethora of greeblies. It is now very normal in our family to see one of the team lying around, sitting somewhere, walking around or even outside doing something with little silver pads stuck on their sinuses, front and back of ears, on an arm or leg and the M200 in a pocket or bag over their shoulder...we just have to remember to explain it to visiting friends and family when they drop in to complain how sick they have been and which specialist they are off to next! Yes, it will seem tricky and fiddly at first. It is a new experience for you so it will take a few goes to stop sticking the sticky stuff to itself. Yes, you will be nervous that something will go might set it up wrong and you might press the wrong button! Even if something does and you do...No-one gets hurt. You might waste some sticking plaster, even a silver pad or two and perhaps some healing time if you forget to charge/change the batteries before you start reading your book or watching your movie thinking the machine is doing it's thing...just do it again, and again, and again...Yes, cost seems scary but try adding up your current medical bills and stop pretending your bulk billed visit costs nothing and that your medicine costs $5.50 per script and has no side effects...Without doubt, the $2,500 we borrowed to buy the SIS Electromed M200 has proven to be a very sound investment in our entire families health and wellbeing.

Used M200 model for viral and bacterial infections

Ford A
South Island, NZ